Friday, August 7, 2009

The truth about 6 pack abs

First of all I would like to say that losing weight or staying fit is no supposed to happen with a miracle technique like pills or crazy diet. As you know I personally lost 75 pounds within 5 months and it was not a miracle ( click here to read my story). It surely was an astonishing accomplishment though. What I'm trying to tell you is that you can get fit with many techniques but not magically. The first secret to know is that you must first lose the extra fat you have on your belly before your abs start showing. I've seen a lot of ads on TV and in magazines that say that you will have a flat stomach with just a few sit-ups a day. The truth is that you will have bigger abs but they will still be hiding under your fat if you don't lose it. This will all result in a bigger belly and that is not what you want. Read this and you will learn what is really important to know in order to have a great looking body!